This is not about "only do what's pleasurable" as the way toward success

This is about moving with the intelligence of The Goddess
and allowing her to be the one who leads your business and life. 

No, you're not just any leader

You're a MF Feminine Leader


She's on a whole other dimension. 

One of her own creation. 

Living into the legacy of her bones.

Dripping with a kind of confidence that says- "It's more fun over here."

She's long forgotten what the haters on the internet might say. 

No- she's self-sourced. 




She leads like a woman who's remembered what it tastes like to play in the cosmos of real pleasure.

But she surely doesn't avoid pain.

You can't tell her which way to turn.

She's riding her own wave.

And everyone is watching, buying, or moving into the world she builds.

She gets her way. Not because she's entitled. Because she's hand in hand with God.

Dear Visionary Woman,

Let's just be totally honest. 

Despite your accomplishments, you feel a disconnect between your external success and internal fulfillment.

You know you can:
Serve the f out of (WAY) more people. You have clients now, but it's nowhere near your skillset and ability.
Run your business in a way that turns you on every day and has your creative center BUZZING with ideas that people eat up right away. 
Double, triple, or quadruple your income in a way that screams "I am on fire" and "You're about to be on fire too" 

So because of that, you've leaned in to scale your business the feminine way but...

You've been afraid of burning out, intimidating your partner, or being "out of your feminine energy" and so you've allowed a little bit of lackluster to come through in your brand. 

You have a lot to give. (And receive 😉)

But you've been playing a smaller game than you know life is asking you to play and it's not hot in your sweet lil brain.

Can I tell you something?

We're going to re-write this together and bring the badass creative fire you know yourself to be BACK in the game. 

We're going to have you exilirated by your work again.

Here's the thing-

SHE is tapped in. Turned on. With a wide open heart.
And she has everything you need to succeed.

You've also matured past the advice to just... 

"Post whenever you feel like it!"
"Only do what's pleasurable!"

In order to have a feminine business. 

Because you are here to build a legacy that serves you, your family, and THIS WORLD AT LARGE in a big way.

And you mean it.

You're not playing around like this is a side job, even though you may have a sexy ass man who's happy to provide (like I do!)

You love your work.

And you're ready to take it to the next level and make giving your deepest dharma the most delicious money experience of your life. 

One where you've moved past your limitations, not because you've done 1000 manifestation practices 

But because you've chosen to anchor into the wild, mystical, and (even strategic) intelligence of Her.

đŸ”„ Feel disconnected from your message – You know you have something powerful to give, but you second-guess how to say it.

đŸ”„ Rely on strategies, scripts, or “formulas” to sell instead of fully trusting your own voice and energetic power.

đŸ”„ Struggle to translate your wisdom into words that move, magnetize, and sell with ease.

đŸ”„ Know your business is meant to generate more wealth, but something feels off – you’re pushing, overthinking, or not fully receiving.

đŸ”„ Find yourself outsourcing clarity – waiting for a coach, mentor, or strategy to tell you what to say instead of knowing it’s already inside you.

đŸ”„ Have been told that sales require pressure, force, or persuasion—but deep down, you crave an effortless, aligned way to attract clients.

đŸ”„ Are tired of creating content that feels “off” or doesn’t convert—you want your words to land deeply with the right clients.

đŸ”„ Are ready to lead, speak, and sell in full certainty—knowing that when you embody your message, the right clients find you.

đŸ”„ Want a business that feels sacred, sustainable, and wildly profitable—without sacrificing your energy or essence.

đŸ”„ Feel called to create, sell, and serve from overflow—instead of constantly chasing the next client, the next sale, or the next strategy.

This is for you if right now you:

In Like a MF Feminine Leader, you're not going to sit on your booty, hoping and dreaming for clients to come.

You're going to infuse the strategies I give you to be seen and paid from the ALIVE NATURE OF HER. 

This program is for you if 2025 is your year. 

And you're ready to walk confidently into it

Like AMF Feminine Leader

I will be teaching you how to structure your business in a way that makes your brand wildly magnetic, your offers highly sought out, and your energy so alive... they have to get on the ride.

1. You sign up, duh!

(There's a pre-party price that's still available, so grab it!)

2. You'll get an email with all of the February call dates to add to your calendar. (If you can't come live, no worries- you'll get the recordings!)

3. We'll have 7 modules in two weeks time that will invite you to show up to the plate of your leadership each session. Expect miracles.

How It Works



see you on the inside...

Upon registration you will get instant access to the schedule. This is a live program held throughout February.