The elevated way you choose to consistently stay in the game of business determines your success as an online coach.

High end clients will pay the person in the room who's alchemized whatever was in the way of their own greatness. They can sniff out the people who walk their talk. They're like "Yes, I'm so in!!!!!!" in the first conversation because they can feel through the screen... the initiations this person has been through, and the way they serve their clients because of it. They want to know that you've been literal through hell and back... and have continued to play full out. They hire the player who's in it for the long game.

The person who drips P O W E R in every single step they take.

You could be that person.

But first, you need to be unwavering...
In your self, in your movement, in your brand, in your sales, in your mindset, and in your leadership. 

That's exactly what you'll learn to embody in Unwavering. 

Because let's be honest...
- You're no longer head over heels in love with your work
- You get lost in the sea of coaches online + how you stand out
- You've worked on "your vibe" and people still don't buy
- People tell you that you're inspiring, but they aren't clicking pay
- You limit yourself in your niche and try to make people understand your multidimensionality 
- People DM you to have conversations but then they don't go anywhere 
- You're taking scraps from what you see in Instagram posts and wondering why you're not reaching the next level.

And it's not working anymore. But you're telling yourself "I don't know what to do."

Until you find Unwavering within your bones... you're walking on shaky foundation.

Let's change that.

Your magnetism is in your ability to stay... to hold the frequency... to know yourself enough... to know your people... to get into their heads... to show up to the plate every day... to find new ways... to experiment... to sell with all you've got... to alchemize anything in a way... to find conviction... to be the authority... to have a brand... to pour your whole soul into it.

It's in your

- To know who the fuck you are, so that clients flock to you like it's their job
- To stop second guessing yourself and be ALL IN for the journey
- Soulmate clients that respect you + play full out with your work
- Content that makes people go... "I need to hire you."
- A brand energetic that you can commit to for life because it's so you
- To trust your boldness and your transmission; to not care who you trigger
- A continuity offer that has your business grounded in consistency
- To turn every person in your audience who’s all “You’re so inspiring!” into a customer 
- To wake up in the mornings pulled by a mission and a vision that makes you a better you 
- To stand out from the crowd and create content that converts 
- To build out a body of work that makes you so proud 

You want:

Unwavering is for you if...

- You want to have a rock-solid presence online that lights you up and attracts high-end clients right away 
- You're ready to get off the self-doubt train and claim your work once and for all
- You've either been in the game for a long time and got bored... or you're just starting your business and want a framework to elevate you quickly
- You want to get serious about your movement and invite people on the ride of their lives in your work
- You want a business model that supports your body and works for your life 



see you on the inside...

Upon registration you will get instant access to the schedule. This is a live program held throughout April.