A free 3-day masterclass course to anchor a new wave of sacred union. 

JANUARY 29, 30, 31 @11am CST

(for men)  find the part of you who can claim, penetrate, + relax her with your presence

(for women) surrender your need to control or manipulate love + instead open to it

be revived and inspired within your concepts of masculine + feminine

ride the initiatory waves of sacred union consciously, with full devotion

dive into our paradigm so you can... 


True union asks us to become artists of intimacy. It invites us to let go of the walls we've built around our body and heart. And it beckons us toward our truest embodiment. Tons of people talk about sacred relationship, but there aren't many actually walking the walk; even fewer are showcasing the path that opens the door. Union Paradigm will show you a way; our way. It will breathe life into the dynamics of polarity, map a direction for the purpose of your love, and ignite the fire in your belly for a mythic + sacred union that makes the challenging initiations of life meaningful & worthwhile. We created this offering as a gift from the lived experience of our love and offer it as such. See you on the inside.
Deep Bows, A + A

A Breakdown of The 3 days:

On Day 1, the groundwork toward a passionate, devoted, + sacred union is laid. Through mapping the true ‘lay of the land’ of inner & outer relationship, we’ll shed important light on polarity & compatibility and their true purpose within love as a path to liberation. 

The Map, Context, + Compatability



Day 2 will take us deeper into the embodiment of polarity as a sacred act. We’ll explore how to attune our bodies to attract and be attracted to what is deep and meaningful rather than getting drawn into the same old patterns and shallow attachments that keep us stuck in suffering.

Infinite Attraction



Day 3 will center around how partners can best serve each other in the dance of relationship. We will illuminate the importance of prioritizing sexual satisfaction for women & prioritizing purpose for men and how to choose a partner who aligns with your highest path regardless of the obstacles that get in the way.

Two Feet In:
The Only Way To Play

Day 3

Amazing! You're In!

Join Now


January 29, 30, 31 @11am CST