The Source: a Monthly Membership

The Source is the place to be for lovers and leaders.

✓ A daily frequency shift into the Bad Goddess inside you
✓ A movement for the whole woman where we talk: leadership, love, wealth, the coaching industry, sales, sex, and more
✓ Join a raging party with the most devotional women on the internet

Premium Mentorship

I work with female entrepreneurs as they scale their companies to 7 figures+, the simple feminine way.

Want to go to the top, quicker? Without burn out or distancing yourself from men?! We do it over here through feminine magnetism.

"Okay I just have to say- you have AWOKEN something IN me. I feel so confident in my body, in my being. I woke up feeling so in love with all parts of me and ready to share that. You’ve shown me what’s possible when you express and honor your sexual and feminine energy. And I’m honestly so turned on by life right now. Your energy is something else- thank you for your magic."

You have AWOKEN something IN me...


"Ashae, thank you so much for being you. Something shifted in me a few weeks ago with the help of your frequencies and codes. I’ve followed you for some time but wasn’t ready to truly take the wisdom in on a deep level. I’m in tears of pure joy and also grief because what you emanate speaks so deeply to my soul, what is true, and what women need to remember and come back to. Much love to you."

I’m in tears of pure joy and also grief because what you emanate speaks so deeply...


"WOW! I just purchased Turned On Woman and it was so exhilarating paying you Ashae!! Honestly I think it was the fastest purchase I ever made and I usually take my time with big decisions! I am dancing with so much excitement to dive into the world of feminine pleasure, energetics, love, and turn on!!!"

I am dancing with so much excitement to dive into the world of feminine pleasure...


"This is the first time I felt that maybe my essence and vision is not lame. It’s simple, yes. But that doesn’t make it lame. God, I am so emotional right now. Thank you for making me see what I haven’t been able to see. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

This is the first time I felt that maybe my essence and vision is not lame...


"Orgasmic Abundance opened me up into a new way of being. Never have I experienced money like it is taught in OA. Through pleasure, ease, and of course orgasms 😉 I used to look at money like it was something I had to “get” as if I wasn’t able to just be worthy of receiving it from who I was being. And that’s completely shifted! I know now I’m worthy of money just from my being. And when I live my life through pleasure, abundance is always available to me."

Never have I experienced money like it is taught in OA...


"Orgasmic Abundance is the single most important and transformative investment I have made on my journey. I said YES to OA with my focus on money and in a total scarcity mindset. Within the first week, I was flipped upside down (in the best way 😉) and shown that it was really about reconnecting to my essence. I had completely lost myself. I stopped playing, I stopped having fun. I had made pleasure wrong and lost my love for myself and for life. I felt so safe and held while never being “allowed” to sit in a victim mentality. This course did and is still changing my life. I am forever grateful to Ashae!!"

Orgasmic Abundance is the single most important and transformative investment I have made...
